Friday, October 7, 2011

History Day

Today we hit the history thing hard. Since we are lodging just a few blocks from the Iolani Palace and the Missionary area, it was easy. We found out that 4 out of 5 Hawaiians died from Western diseases. With so many deaths no wonder the Hawaiians accepted the missionaries and their doctrine.
The trustworthiness and integrity of our great United States during the era of Manifest Destiny is another issue. The US annexed Hawaii. Their Queen was imprisoned. Won't go deeper than that, just let you decide for yourself. Start here : Amazing what a few wealthy corrupt self-serving people can do to screw up a fine country just to make themselves richer. I'm sure glad we're now a more mature country and above such things.

Enough of that. On with the pictures.

Our self-guided tour began with the Missionary Compound, started in the 1820's. The missionaries mostly from New England taught the Hawaiians to read, write and run a printing press. They translated Hawaiian into a written language. The Missionaries translated The Bible into Hawaiian.

On to the Church, made of coral blocks, removed from the reefs - underwater - by hand, by divers.

We briefly and discreetly spied a wedding in progress. (Almost as exciting as watching filming of Hawaii 5-O the day before.) Obviously the church is not just a historical site.

From there to Iolani Palace.

Guide in period costume.

Statue of King Kamehameha.

Another great statue, a fisherman mending his net.

From there we went to Queen Emma's Summer Palace. The exterior has lush plant life. We met a most enthusiastic and qualified guide and teacher, U'ilani Kalopono.

And to top it off, some of that foliage. Judy, get a load of the Bird of Paradise. See what "Big Bird" might turn into!

Green wherever you look, year round. In fact, two ladies in the Summer Palace gift shop assured us that Hawaii sweet corn is the best anywhere, ever, and available yer around. Heresy to a Michigan boy. This corn I'm going to try as soon as we see a Farmer's Market! The ladies, members of Daughters of Hawaii disparaged James Michener and told us to read Sarah Vowell. They were the second women to recommend author Vowell.


  1. Looks like you guys are having a good time. I don't have a lot of time up here anymore, but I'll check back as much as much I can.

    Love Chris

  2. I wondered what you would have to say about the US annexing Hawaii. Tom and I were at the capital during the annual week when they picket the capital asking to give Hawaii back to the Hawaiians. It opened my eyes.
