Started this post on my cell phone. We'll see how that works, typing with thumbs and all that. I just dropped off the AT&T stuff, so for the first time in years am without fast net capability. We're sitting at the forementioned doomed TV tray on two also doomed folding chairs waiting for the representative to inspect the apartment. Other than that, we've actually managed to empty the place. In a little while we'll be officially homeless with only a borrowed (my brother's -Thanks again, Fred) address. I guess it's really happening after all. As if the last month hasn't been enough of an adventure.
I'd like to take the time here to thank those of you who've commented on this blog. It's very nice to know someone's reading and enjoying what I'm writing.
Finishing this post up at Detroit Metro. Oops, there's the boarding call-we're off!
I may not comment on every one Mike, but I'm reading it, enjoying it, and will continue all along the journey. I'm fascinated at this adventure you are taking and I wish you guys nothing but the best.